I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with the explicit understanding that should Joe Biden become unable to serve, that duty would fall to Kamala Harris.
I understand how elections actually work. Don’t apply your own ignorance to other people.
By the time Biden dropped out, it was one month to the DNC which would select a candidate. There was no time to run a primary, and they were actively attempting to prevent what happened at the last brokered convention which resulted in utter chaos:
We needed “utter chaos” at the convention, and didn’t get it. That convention needed to drown out the spectacle of the donvict, and draw in bored and disillusioned voters to participate.
It didn’t. They were trying to avoid a “Bernie Bros” scenario that couldn’t have occurred because we didn’t have months to fall in love with a particular candidate.
It sucked out what little life remained in the campaign, and gave us the most boring presidential race of my lifetime.
Besides, Biden should have dropped from the race many months prior, or better yet not run again at all as he promised during his 2020 campaign.
Harris and other DNC members shouldn’t have tried to gaslight us about Biden’s health during all that time; they really took us for a bunch of idiots, which most certainly didn’t help their case.
The mistake still lies with the Dems (including Harris) for having prepared for seemingly nothing that is happening despite them writing out in detail what they would do. They did not prepare a good candidate, just assumed that one would appear or that Biden would run. When Biden ran, and his numbers sucked, he didn’t back out. That is all the fault of Dems.
There’s a lot of blame to go around, but nobody is going to tell a sitting President they can’t run again. It was Biden’s call and he ultimately made that call too late for any other candidate to have a successful run.
Once Harris was tapped, there’s now evidence Biden hampered her campaign as well:
It’s not “the dems” fault, it’s Biden’s fault. First, for not stepping down early enough for a proper primary, 2nd, for having a comatose debate performance, 3rd, for failing to recognize the economic pain the US public was going through, 4th, for claiming credit for policies that had no effect on the public at large, and 5th for insisting Harris not separate herself from his failed policies.
Someone should have sat him down and told him the economy sucks, people are hurting, and the policies you got passed haven’t done anything yet. But he still stood up repeatedly and basically said “What’s the matter, Jack? Economy is great!” while the public was “3% inflation on top of 3% inflation on top of 6% inflation in top of 9% inflation…”
That failure of recognition tanked his campaign and not allowing Harris to differentiate herself tanked hers.
She should have told him “No, your ideas are why you aren’t in the race anymore, I’m doing something different.” Instead she said, on live television, she couldn’t think of anything she’d do differently. That’s the point when she lost, nail in the coffin right there.
Come on you can’t be this naive. Biden stepped down because dems made him, despite what you wrote,
What does it mean to not allow Harris to differentiate from his campaign? Or what? Harris made the choice to not differentiate from the Biden campaign. She’s an adult and an unpopular candidate who should own her mistakes.
You voted for Joe Biden, not for Kamala Harris
I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with the explicit understanding that should Joe Biden become unable to serve, that duty would fall to Kamala Harris.
I understand how elections actually work. Don’t apply your own ignorance to other people.
She was not elected to the the presidential candidate for 2024, she was anointed by the party without an open primary.
If you can’t have a conversation without resorting to character attacks, that says a lot about your (lack of) character.
By the time Biden dropped out, it was one month to the DNC which would select a candidate. There was no time to run a primary, and they were actively attempting to prevent what happened at the last brokered convention which resulted in utter chaos:
We needed “utter chaos” at the convention, and didn’t get it. That convention needed to drown out the spectacle of the donvict, and draw in bored and disillusioned voters to participate.
It didn’t. They were trying to avoid a “Bernie Bros” scenario that couldn’t have occurred because we didn’t have months to fall in love with a particular candidate.
It sucked out what little life remained in the campaign, and gave us the most boring presidential race of my lifetime.
Yes there was still time to run a primary.
Besides, Biden should have dropped from the race many months prior, or better yet not run again at all as he promised during his 2020 campaign.
Harris and other DNC members shouldn’t have tried to gaslight us about Biden’s health during all that time; they really took us for a bunch of idiots, which most certainly didn’t help their case.
No, there wasn’t. A primary in 50 states takes roughly 6 months to run. They had ONE.
Biden bowed out July 21st.
The convention was scheduled to start August 19th.
30 days. You can’t run a 50 state primary in 30 days. 1.66 primaries per day.
Moving the convention wasn’t an option due to state deadlines for candidates.
The mistake still lies with the Dems (including Harris) for having prepared for seemingly nothing that is happening despite them writing out in detail what they would do. They did not prepare a good candidate, just assumed that one would appear or that Biden would run. When Biden ran, and his numbers sucked, he didn’t back out. That is all the fault of Dems.
There’s a lot of blame to go around, but nobody is going to tell a sitting President they can’t run again. It was Biden’s call and he ultimately made that call too late for any other candidate to have a successful run.
Once Harris was tapped, there’s now evidence Biden hampered her campaign as well:
It’s not “the dems” fault, it’s Biden’s fault. First, for not stepping down early enough for a proper primary, 2nd, for having a comatose debate performance, 3rd, for failing to recognize the economic pain the US public was going through, 4th, for claiming credit for policies that had no effect on the public at large, and 5th for insisting Harris not separate herself from his failed policies.
Someone should have sat him down and told him the economy sucks, people are hurting, and the policies you got passed haven’t done anything yet. But he still stood up repeatedly and basically said “What’s the matter, Jack? Economy is great!” while the public was “3% inflation on top of 3% inflation on top of 6% inflation in top of 9% inflation…”
That failure of recognition tanked his campaign and not allowing Harris to differentiate herself tanked hers.
She should have told him “No, your ideas are why you aren’t in the race anymore, I’m doing something different.” Instead she said, on live television, she couldn’t think of anything she’d do differently. That’s the point when she lost, nail in the coffin right there.
Come on you can’t be this naive. Biden stepped down because dems made him, despite what you wrote,
What does it mean to not allow Harris to differentiate from his campaign? Or what? Harris made the choice to not differentiate from the Biden campaign. She’s an adult and an unpopular candidate who should own her mistakes.