About 74,000 households in Seattle are car-free, making up more than 20% of all Seattle households. A modern high point for the city’s car-free household rate, Seattle now ranks 9th among large U.S. cities by car-free household rate and 2nd for large U.S. cities west of the Mississippi behind only San Francisco […].
Renters lead the way with 1 in 3 rental households having no cars, a strong data point to support easing or eliminating expensive parking requirements for new housing developments. By contrast, only 5% of owned households were car-free […]
The data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau’s household survey, so there is some statistical noise especially at the census tract level…
Literally -1 for every cyberpunk that gets CarBQed 🔥🚒
I’m shocked by how many of those I see around here.