Somewhere between ripe and overripe for me. If I eat them, which is rarely. I usually just buy them once per season, let them get too ripe, and make banana bread / freeze for smoothies.
Unless you are making banana bread, in which case overripe is best. My banana bread is top-notch. The secret is to sprinkle a generous amount of brown sugar on top before baking. It caramelizes and makes it into a heavenly treat.
I’m guessing the terms “lowest/highest” are expressing a relatively minor difference, no?
Without numbers this just feels like a shame campaign and makes me wasn’t to avoid bananas if anything.
You eat brown bananas?! HAHAHAHA! I’d rather swim in coca cola.
No but seriously, I used to put bananas in the fridge and eat them a week later completely black.
Even an overripe banana is better than most things people might reach for instead. Don’t stress about banana ripeness - pass on the cookie and eat whatever banana you like.
but i love overripe bananas 😢
I was just thinking about how weird it is that,as far as I can think of, bananas are the only food I still eat when it starts changing colors while sitting out on my counter.
How do people eat these when green?
I read they have some form of fibre only when green, but I can’t stand that fuzzy hard feeling of biting into a green banana.
One of the most disgusting things I know.
I like eating them green. I prefer my bananas firm
Turgid even.
I eat them green. I don’t enjoy it as much but I know it’s slightly healthier.
Guess I’m not getting any fiber then, since green bananas are disgusting 🤢
They taste best when then get a few brown spots
I’m not eating the stem, but thanks for giving me something to feel guilty about
The sound alone of someone eating one is amazing, haha.
Ii bet you just throw the peel away, don’t you?
There was a post a day or two ago about grilled banana skin, and I had a very similar thought lol