As someone who prefers not to drive where possible, and in a country where manual for regular cars is not common, why do people think manual is so great?
Gives you some more control on your gears, sure. But heck, the only time I ever, ever need it is going up or down very steep hills - for which there are low gear settings on most cars which you can switch on for those moments.
For most people, it’s just a massive waste of time to learn, when an engineered solution already exists and presumably doesn’t add significant enough cost to be worth not having it (I assume, because of the lack of demand, here).
Is it just, for the “love of driving”? Okay fair enough, but that’s your hobby then, not sure why we need to like it also
In any case, do enlighten me because I don’t get it haha
No, that’s the anti-theft device.
Only works in America though
Unfortunately driving manual is fading away everywhere
As someone who prefers not to drive where possible, and in a country where manual for regular cars is not common, why do people think manual is so great?
Gives you some more control on your gears, sure. But heck, the only time I ever, ever need it is going up or down very steep hills - for which there are low gear settings on most cars which you can switch on for those moments.
For most people, it’s just a massive waste of time to learn, when an engineered solution already exists and presumably doesn’t add significant enough cost to be worth not having it (I assume, because of the lack of demand, here).
Is it just, for the “love of driving”? Okay fair enough, but that’s your hobby then, not sure why we need to like it also
In any case, do enlighten me because I don’t get it haha
BMW was even pushing customers to stop ordering manuals a few years back, so they could just focus on automatics.
Yeah I literally spent 3 years looking for an n55 335i msport manual. And that was almost 10 years ago. Never selling this car lol
First it was the butter churn, then the washboard, and now they’ve come for our clutches
And there was no one left to speak for me.
They can pry my butter churn from my cold, dead, and greasy hands.
You will purchase crappy store butter and like it, consumer.
No, it’s just a foot rest