• Allonzee@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    Lol they’ll be fine.

    They sabotaged public Ed for tax cuts and a by design ignorant laborer population, and use their bully pulpits of for profit media and captured government to stoke social division while protecting their economy from the people that labor under it. We don’t get a vote on the shape or priorities of the economy and haven’t since 1980, only social wedges both parties prop up that are often a symptom of that economy we subsist in servitude to without representation.

    They’ve convinced the laborers to hate one another so much that many get off on voting to hurt our neighbors more than helping them as the owners suck us dry. Divide and profit.

    “Hey, see that powerless homeless guy that we broke laboring for us in that box under that freeway? He’s lowering your local property values! and he’ll probably rape your kids when you got to sleep! Everything you’re frustrated about is his fault! Git em!.. You fucking sucker poories!”

    So much easier to convince us poors undermine each other than putting putting shackles on our legs, so much more insidious than an overt Jim Crow underclass. Set it and forget it, baby!

    An American laborer is more likely to blame and attack another laborer when an owner stabs them in the back after years of doting, sycophantic service to save a nickel than to attack the owner that stabbed them. That’s how effectively gaslit our nation is.