In fairness, lots of Protestant churches have very plain furnishings as a direct reaction to this kind of opulence. Personally I’m torn. Cathedrals are beautiful to visit, but I don’t think I could ever actually attend somewhere that imposing without being constantly distracted by it. Now some Evangelicals have gone full-circle with megachurches that are even worse…
I respect that. After all, different denominations are still relevant for a reason :). And there is Biblical precedent for a fancy building (Solomon’s Temple).
Don’t forget that the very idea of such extravagance is pretty antithetical to the bible AND they used funds that could have actually helped people in order to do it. Surface beauty like that is too dishonest for me to find beautiful; the best I can manage is a “neat, but I wish they hadn’t”.
It made sense centuries ago. Imagine living a simple peasant life being a dirt farmer or whatever, then entering a building full of stained glass, precious metals, and/or tile mosaics that glow in the sunlight. It would make you feel like you’d entered a divine realm. I mean, it still can, but we get pretty calloused to that stuff after being immersed in modern technology.
In fairness, lots of Protestant churches have very plain furnishings as a direct reaction to this kind of opulence. Personally I’m torn. Cathedrals are beautiful to visit, but I don’t think I could ever actually attend somewhere that imposing without being constantly distracted by it. Now some Evangelicals have gone full-circle with megachurches that are even worse…
That’s odd to me. I don’t think I could find as much divinity in a plain temple. Striking and overwhelming beauty inspire divinity in me
I respect that. After all, different denominations are still relevant for a reason :). And there is Biblical precedent for a fancy building (Solomon’s Temple).
Don’t forget that the very idea of such extravagance is pretty antithetical to the bible AND they used funds that could have actually helped people in order to do it. Surface beauty like that is too dishonest for me to find beautiful; the best I can manage is a “neat, but I wish they hadn’t”.
A crucifix plated in gold and stained glass windows? wipes brow No, this sort of op-yulence will not do for mah church.
Only a wooden cross is what we need. Build it 100 feet tall so that it can fill up this entire AUDITORIUM um um um…
It made sense centuries ago. Imagine living a simple peasant life being a dirt farmer or whatever, then entering a building full of stained glass, precious metals, and/or tile mosaics that glow in the sunlight. It would make you feel like you’d entered a divine realm. I mean, it still can, but we get pretty calloused to that stuff after being immersed in modern technology.