This hexbear user is not wrong tho, america’s left dosn’t really serve the people, they team up with the richs.
There is no left. Only center right and far right
The left is constantly punching itself in the dick with purity tests. You’d think they’d realize that’s half the reason why they’re constantly spinning their wheels. Liz would be the most left wing president since FDR
Wait, liberals have been saying that Biden is the “most left wing president since FDR” for his entire term. Have you all changed your mind?
Warren isn’t the president, smart guy
Yeah, that’s what I’m saying, “smart guy”. So what does it mean to be “the most left wing president since FDR”? If Biden already is that, what does it matter if Warren would be?
Because Warren would have been better…? Your attempt at bad faith questions don’t even make sense. If Warren had been elected, she would have been to the left of Biden, who (according to whatever your source is) is the most left wing since FDR. So how much more so would Warren have been. I think all the dialectics are rotting your brain, comrade.
But according to the comment I replied to, she wouldn’t be “better”, she would be the same. That’s my question, which I don’t get how that’s bad faith. If she’s “the most left wing since FDR”, but Biden is already that, in what way is that an argument for her? What point is the comment making? You’re not explaining anything.
She would be better and more to the left than Biden. And I consider myself a part of the left. Fred Hampton wasn’t killed because he was a leftist, he was killed because he was a big tent leftist.
My point is the perfect candidate doesn’t exist and we should fight for the progress we can get with politicians that can win in the current deeply flawed system we are forced to operate in.
Fred Hampton was killed because he was a communist, not a “leftist”. His FBI file, the statements from the police, and the statements from officials involved all explicitly blame his communist sentiment and work with communist orgs for the police state’s…attention…on him. He didn’t advocate for a liberal national party. Do not insult him by misrepresenting him or his death.
But okay. That phrase just doesn’t separate her from Biden when that’s what the tweet is about.
You’re the only one saying she would be the same.
I didn’t say anything. I asked for clarification on liberals’ general sentiments.