Time gets wonky when you get old. You’ll be surprised too when stuff that you were certain happened at a specific point in your life, that you remember it alongside so much else from that era, seems to turn out to be a chronologically misplaced memory from years later.
I’m not even old and this has happened so many times, I think about something random I think was only a thing after 2021 but turns out I had been using it since 2018.
The “2000s” also has no meaning for defining a specific time period. It should mean 2001-2010, but I’ve also never heard anyone seriously refer to 2011-2020 as the “teens” and 2022-2025 as the “twenties.” Those words are already associated with decades that we still culturally reference.
We’re are quarter of a century in and I still don’t know how to precisely refer to a 21st-century decade.
Time gets wonky when you get old. You’ll be surprised too when stuff that you were certain happened at a specific point in your life, that you remember it alongside so much else from that era, seems to turn out to be a chronologically misplaced memory from years later.
A slightly different example of the wonky-ness of time is that 2016 was… Almost 10 years ago.
I’m not even old and this has happened so many times, I think about something random I think was only a thing after 2021 but turns out I had been using it since 2018.
Can confirm, am getting older and making the timelines from my teens and early 20s make sense is getting harder and harder.
The “2000s” also has no meaning for defining a specific time period. It should mean 2001-2010, but I’ve also never heard anyone seriously refer to 2011-2020 as the “teens” and 2022-2025 as the “twenties.” Those words are already associated with decades that we still culturally reference.
We’re are quarter of a century in and I still don’t know how to precisely refer to a 21st-century decade.
Yup, I just say the numbers (2001-2010) to make sure I’m understood properly. It’s dumb.
“It was back it the early 2000s, around 2013 or so….”