I’m Orthodox not Catholic. You know the church that formed the canon of scripture you’re telling me to read? I do participate in many of these things including the feeding program. So again your presumptuousness just shows how haughty, proud and judgemental you are. The problem with “read the Bible yourself” mentality isnt that reading the Bible is bad but if you do it without the necessary accompaniment of church tradition people like you spring up shouting the “truth” while all disagreeing with one another. There are thousands of splintered Protestant denominations not including street corner shouting schizoids like yourself that only have scripture and church history because ancient Christians and the church preserved it for you. Your theology is half-baked bunk you neurotically concocted probably while shouting down a normal person somewhere. Let me guess. You think Paul was an Anti-christian usurper and his Epistles should be discarded.
I’m Orthodox not Catholic. You know the church that formed the canon of scripture you’re telling me to read? I do participate in many of these things including the feeding program. So again your presumptuousness just shows how haughty, proud and judgemental you are. The problem with “read the Bible yourself” mentality isnt that reading the Bible is bad but if you do it without the necessary accompaniment of church tradition people like you spring up shouting the “truth” while all disagreeing with one another. There are thousands of splintered Protestant denominations not including street corner shouting schizoids like yourself that only have scripture and church history because ancient Christians and the church preserved it for you. Your theology is half-baked bunk you neurotically concocted probably while shouting down a normal person somewhere. Let me guess. You think Paul was an Anti-christian usurper and his Epistles should be discarded.