I play mostly sci-fi games but I enjoy a good ol’ swordfighting once in a while.
What could you suggest as a good single player action game with melee and maybe a dash of spellcasting/“powers” ? It can be TPS or FPS
Although it should (here comes the nitpicking) :
- not be a stealth game or stealth-adjacenr like Assassin’s Creed or Shadow Of Mordor
- not be a souls-like (I play for fun, not to puke blood)
- have health regen (at least out of combat) or any mean to heal without having to look after potions or food while out of combat
If possible a good story would be a major plus, but it doesn’t need to be The Witcher level of good. And I’m more than fine with AA games, or older games as long as the art direction is nice.
EDIT: thanks for the suggestions, I realize I should have mentionned the “similar” games I’ve already played :
- The Witcher trilogy
- Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
- Dragon’s Dogma
- God Of War (liked the combat, not the difficulty)
- Darksiders
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 video game)
- Hunted: The Demon’s Forge
- Vermintide (even though it’s not single player, but great game)
I bought Grim Dawn a few weeks ago, but I see it more as a Torchlight/Diablo-like and not a third or first person melee action game (like The Witcher, Dragon’s Dogma, …) and I was looking for something fun / light / even button smashing with good action :)
I’ll check Nine Sols, thanks, but the Sekiro mention scares me a bit ^^’