Yeah, anyway, fuck straightwashing lol

    5 days ago

    Of course he would consider himself to be male by the standard of his day. So what? He was a man because that is how he understood himself to be and this is a social role he held.

    Why does it matter what he would have believed if he travelled through time and saw our society if he didn’t? He had a radically different conceptualisation of sexuality, so who cares what would happen if he was presented with ours? But I doubt he would identify as bisexual anyway.

    Whether or not he was bisexual depends on what bisexuality is. If it is an immutable trait of character that people are born with or otherwise can’t change you can probably say he was bi, but I would say this is an incorrect understanding of sexiality.

    But if bisexuality is a way that a person relates to society and himself and also a conceptual tool for understanding sexuality. The former meaning forbids assigning this label to Alexander, as this is not the way he would understand himself, nor is it accurately reflecting his social role, as the social role of “bisexual” did not exist yet. You are imposing our social categories and conceptual frameworks on people that existed in completely different social structures and understood themselves completely differently.

    Feel free to offer your own account of what it is.