Im working with an old reprap cotroled directly with an Laptop with cura. Filament is RS-Pro (2325395) Pla though. Open around 4 weeks ago but i have this problem in some capacity since i have this Filament. Before i had some really old pla which snapped all the time because it wss so brittle. Is this really just shitty Filament? Help/ Insight would be much appreciated.
Has the printer been used recently and put out good prints? Has anything about the setup changed including a slicer update or different slicer?
I have two knee jerk reactions
Is there an under-extruded section of the print, similar to the corner closest to the camera on the lower section of the print, on the top section of the print? You might have a retraction/priming problem. A quick retraction test print would make this pretty obvious.
You might have had a partial clog that resolved itself, but the fact that the extrusion issues change with the topology of the design makes me want to suggest something else. Try the print again. If you get the same outcome filament isn’t the primary cause.
I second partial clog
Yes the print immediately before was good (see my other commend) 2. Try same settings (left) seems a little bit better but still not good
I would strongly suspect a retraction/priming or mechanical related issue give byhe fact that it’s repeatable in the same area of the print.
I think you’re right