Henson safety razor. It’s the only product I ever purchased based on sponsored recommendations, and I actually didn’t regret it. It’s hard to clog, easy to clean, and the minimalist design compared to other safety razors helps with tight spaces. The handle’s grip pattern works better than you’d think too, without scraping flesh.
After using it for about a year, I my partner (who uses razors a lot more and has really sensitive and fragile skin) finally worked up the nerve to try it. Now we have two.
To be clear though, it is a luxury product. You can get a quality safety razor that works just fine for half the price, easily. I probably still wouldn’t have grabbed one myself, if it weren’t a Canadian product. You can go for the titanium version if you’re an utter financial masochist.
I didn’t bite right away, but I was on board the first time it was presented to me, which I think was either by Practical Engineering or Steve Mould. But I might be misremembering and there’s at least a half-dozen other possibilities, what with the sponsorship pricing/bidding ecosystem working the way it does.
(Ad brokers track what “open offer” sponsorships are providing the best value to content creators, resulting in everyone choosing a few top picks. It’s the reason why a single sponsor will seem to blitz the entire space all at once.)
Henson safety razor. It’s the only product I ever purchased based on sponsored recommendations, and I actually didn’t regret it. It’s hard to clog, easy to clean, and the minimalist design compared to other safety razors helps with tight spaces. The handle’s grip pattern works better than you’d think too, without scraping flesh.
After using it for about a year, I my partner (who uses razors a lot more and has really sensitive and fragile skin) finally worked up the nerve to try it. Now we have two.
To be clear though, it is a luxury product. You can get a quality safety razor that works just fine for half the price, easily. I probably still wouldn’t have grabbed one myself, if it weren’t a Canadian product. You can go for the titanium version if you’re an utter financial masochist.
Was it shoesonhead who convinced you?
I didn’t bite right away, but I was on board the first time it was presented to me, which I think was either by Practical Engineering or Steve Mould. But I might be misremembering and there’s at least a half-dozen other possibilities, what with the sponsorship pricing/bidding ecosystem working the way it does.
(Ad brokers track what “open offer” sponsorships are providing the best value to content creators, resulting in everyone choosing a few top picks. It’s the reason why a single sponsor will seem to blitz the entire space all at once.)
Hmm, interesting. Seems a relevant and contemporary way to advertise for the brands doing it.