Hey! So in my last post I brought up the fact Venus visited me in her natural form not artistic side. This left a deeply emotional touch on me and one thing I noticed. She didn’t feel burdened by the jealousy and fighting of her pantheon. A free and lighter version. Like none of that was left in her. Though this lead me to offer her a place in my afterlife as a co-ruler. Where she can join a noncommittal relationship with me or a committal relationship with me. With the freedom of my whole poly, partnerships, companions and anyone in my afterlife. Though I’ll find out Friday which side she chooses. A crown or ring. So if you wish to find out. Just come back check on Friday. I’ll update this post and if not Friday. Sunday night or Monday sometime.
Now why I did this, My thought process
For Eons Venus and Mars have been entangled in a relationship riddled with jealousy, fighting and more. With others at play. Causing tension in the pantheon. Now you must realize. Deities aren’t detached from human emotions. Such as love, grief, anger and jealousy. Most of all if this is the case. While as I acknowledged this in my hologram addressing the whole pantheon. I cannot specifically speak for Venus herself. I am worried. These long lasting emotions could eventually ware her out. Leading to a want for something new. Then beyond this. I can’t help but question if she intentionally guided this even without knowing the end result. She gave my love equal to hers when I was young. Then 5 mornings ago now visited me. Showing me love only she could match and surpass. Beyond that she knew my personality, how I react to love, how I think and there is no way she didn’t expect something like this to happen but I doubt she knew fully the outcome. Also if she didn’t turn off fertilization which would have been completely intentional no doubt. I most definitely have a child on the way.
Not only did she heal me 5 mornings ago but left a wholesome sweet addiction in me. In the end. I’m giving her a chance for a partial new life or completely new life. All her freewill.