I have composed a piece of written musings on the tools choice in clay sculpting which I put on a display on a public internet forum.
I have received following advice: Go seek therapy.
However upon checking my vaults it has become apparent that they are barren.
What should I do in this situation?
The solution really depends on the problem. We don’t know why they told you to seek therapy.
Doesn’t matter, it was a made-up clickbait and satire to have some serious talk in the comments about these things
So this post is just a platform for you to vaguely criticize therapy? It sounds like it’s financially out of reach where you live and that sounds like a societal issue. But I will happily admit that a lot of what people depend on therapy could likely be much more cheaply given by having a stronger social network.
No I just want to talk, there is no malice nor ill intent
I think your post was quite unproductive as it failed to clearly state a problem then. Your post essentially boils down to “I said a thing and people on the internet trolled me for it - how am I supposed to afford the therapy they recommended” while also constructing a scenario where the therapy you were recommended was clearly just an offhand troll doing troll shit.
I’d reinforce that a strong social network can help alleviate a fair amount of our dependency on therapy if we’re focused on the cost aspect and I’m not certain what other discussion you were attempting to spur.
I don’t have any friends whatsoever since like 10 years tbh and honestly never had one. Just acquaintances and frenemies