I keep hearing of people who have used Lemmy for a few days or a few weeks and want to start using a mobile version – often Voyager.
They open Voyager for the first time, and get a screen with a button for logging in. They get a choice for which Lemmy instance to join, but no place for entering their existing username or password.
I’ve told them that “in the first screen there is a button that is very difficult to notice, allowing you to use a pre-existing Lemmy username. Find that semi-hidden button, click it, and you can login.”
It is of course a working workaround to pre-emptively tell people that the button exists, is just very well hidden, and needs to be clicked by most people who download Voyager. But still, it would be cool if the screen for new users could be altered so that the ability to log in with a pre-existing username was equally visible as the choice to create a new account!
Can you provide a quick mockup of how you’d update the layout?
Just wanted to say thank you for your work. Some comments here are a bit harsh, and forget how far behind we would be without Voyager