It’s not that. They already can have their own schools. It’s just they want to take our money to pay for them, and they want to push their values on to us.
If you’ve been reading the newspapers over the last year or two, you’ve seen various States try to pass various rules about the Bible or the Ten Commandments. They weren’t doing that in private schools; private schools already could do that, right? So partly we have people who are trying to force Christianity on to others, but I think more importantly we have people who want money and power, and they will weaponize religion in order to get it, as people have always done throughout the course of human history. It’s not like these people pushing to get Christian religious texts in schools actually care what’s in the Bible. They will pretend otherwise, but don’t believe their lies. It’s 100% greed.
It’s not that. They already can have their own schools. It’s just they want to take our money to pay for them, and they want to push their values on to us.
If you’ve been reading the newspapers over the last year or two, you’ve seen various States try to pass various rules about the Bible or the Ten Commandments. They weren’t doing that in private schools; private schools already could do that, right? So partly we have people who are trying to force Christianity on to others, but I think more importantly we have people who want money and power, and they will weaponize religion in order to get it, as people have always done throughout the course of human history. It’s not like these people pushing to get Christian religious texts in schools actually care what’s in the Bible. They will pretend otherwise, but don’t believe their lies. It’s 100% greed.