Finland is named the happiest country in the world for the eighth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report 2025 published Thursday.
Other Nordic countries are also once again at the top of the happiness rankings in the annual report published by the Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford. Besides Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden remain the top four and in the same order.
Country rankings were based on answers people give when asked to rate their own lives. The study was done in partnership with the analytics firm Gallup and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
When it comes to decreasing happiness — or growing unhappiness —the United States has dropped to its lowest-ever position at 24, having previously peaked at 11th place in 2012. The report states that the number of people dining alone in the United States has increased 53% over the past two decades.
No I did not see blood on the walls
Oh for fucking sake, stop it.
I mentioned and highlighted it several times, in every comment.
Please, your explanation of what legal thing does Finland have that allows a man to draw on the walls with his own blood under "supervision to ensure your safety, for days on end.
Do tell me.
Go ahead.
I’m very curious to hear your version of what happened to me.
I went back to look at the picture. You mean those scribbling on the wall are your blood? I thought it was just typical jail cell scribblings tbh.
I don’t think it is legal, this conversation has been more about 1) what is happening 2) how does it relate to the topic at hand 3) if this is real 4) is this a systemic or a common issue.
And after I answer throughly, you run away because you can’t accept the reality of this.
Just like every other Finn.
Which is exactly my point.
I forgot about the whole convo but went back to answer your message. Not sure again what happened to you has to do with the topic tbh.
You’re obtuse and just pretend that you can’t deduce anything from anything I’ve said or any of the photos shown.
That’s exactly the problem. You’d rather pretend like you literally went blind and have absolutely no reasoning ability whatsoever than accept than a one Finnish authorities may have purposefully broken laws.
There’s plenty of cases where Finnish authorities have purposefully broken laws. I don’t really have trouble with believing them. Doesn’t mean I believe every accusation of it though.
You delude yourself so badly it’s pathetic.
Youre literally still not accepting criticism or giving an alternative explanation.
Sä oot säälittävä ja joka ikinen suomalainen käyttäytyy samal taval ku sinä ja kukaan teistä ei myönnä sitä. Mun oma vitun mutsi samanlaine “en mä tiedä mitä siel tapahtu.” Tiedätpä. Mä just kerroin ja näytin valokuvia. Lopeta todellisuudelta juokseminen.
“I’m not refusing to do the thing I’ve ignored, run away from, pretender doesn’t exist, and sorely just am afraid of. But I’m not all that, because it’s doesn’t matter what reality is, only matter what I, Pissdick Shitpants say reality is. And I’m saying it’s not what it is. I can’t offer an explanation, but reality isn’t real. Cops in Finland don’t torture and I knows this because… I read an article saying Finland is the happiest country in the world and the word of Iltalehti is law and 100% true.”
It’s just that your pictures or story don’t prove what you’re claiming. Nothing more to it.
“Typical jail cells scribblings”
You’ve never been in a jail cell, I see.
Now you’re just in denial.
I literally wrote “I wrote over 300 words in my own blood” some dozen times in comments to you. Don’t pretend this is coming as a surprise now that you actually can’t explicitly say any alternative despite implicitly wanting so badly to avoid the subject.
This conversation is about Finnish emotional stuntedness, which is due to the inherent psychological avoidance “built-in” to Finnish culture and language. I could explain the reasons why it’s evolved and developed in the first place, but I don’t feel like explaining it to a kusimulkku.
You still haven’t accepted it’s actually happened. You’re still implicitly avoiding it. Despite having no alternative to what happened, despite me very clearly explaining what happened and you having literally said “that’s probably not true”, based on just your fear of accepting that anything like that could ever happen in Finland.
That exact fucking “ei meiä lintukodosssa” attitude is what is protecting the cops and why Finland has more human rights violations from ECHR than the rest of the Nordics combined.
I have also explained those two things, several times.
Here I went to my old phone to get you these
You won’t be able to accept that I was literally tortured. Not physically brutalised, mind you, but that isn’t the only form of torture. It’s would’ve loved being beaten for three days in a dark room compared to this.
See how much food there is? None of it eaten?
I’m not sure what part of this should convince me that you were tortured. I’m willing to believe you had an episode of some sort.
And I’m still not sure how you expect any of this to convince others that Finns aren’t actually happy tbh.
So you’re naively pretending only cartoonish forms of torture you see in Blackadder are actual torture? Because purposeful sleep deprivation isn’t torture?
The cops came to ask me “are you ready to talk” after three days of no-one saying a word.
You can’t imagine it or accept it. You refuse to believe such practices can happen in your lintukoto.
And that refusal to see reality, refusal to acknowledge it’s flaws, is what is so profound and creates the environment where “can’t complain” is the answer to the question “are you happy”.
And as I’ve shown people, literal torture by your government doesn’t make you acknowledge that there’s been anything done wrong by the authorities.
The word in English is obtuse.
You haven’t an explanation. “Episode of some sort.” Dismissing my torture much? They purposefully kept the lights on, deprived me of my prescribed medication, a mattress (that’s placed there afterwards, which you won’t believe obviously, on the third day they gave me the mangy blanket you can see, but no mattress).
If I was “having an episode” to the tune of eating myself while under constant supervision supposedly for “my safety”, how is it possible that this happened?
In your world, it isn’t because you refuse to live in reality no matter how he’s your face is shoved in it. It’s nothing special, and thats exactly my point. It’s endemic.
It’s just that to show intent is quite hard. If you had a court case or something this would be a lot easier.
Not that I would still know what you think this has to do with the actual topic at hand, mind you.
And still, you’re not accepting any fault by them.
Its disgusting. If you saw someone bleeding and eating them and you were the only one around and didn’t call an ambulance, that’s a crime. If you deprive someone their prescription medications on purpose, that’s definitely a crime. If you detain someone, legally or illegally and SHUT OFF THEIR WATER, you’ve actually committed a crime against humanity.
No, ofc I have trouble proving this. Might be because every Finn suffer from the same as you. I asked for the video through GDPR request, then again through my lawyer, then when he rang them after they charged me with vandalism, the lawyer said we got to get it, and they had “lost it”.
I be explained it to you literally more than a dozen times what it has to do with the topic.
Is your full username Kusimulkku Paskahousu? Because so far, you keep pretend not to have seen the photos, then pretend not to have seen that there’s blood when I specifically explained it several times. With the explanation of why this example is relevant. Again. A dozen times. A dozen times. Twelve. More than. Is this the amount of repetition you need?
What on Earth is your bar for evidence for even questioning that the authorities may have broken laws?
And WHY would you rather delude yourself and try stupid lies like you constantly do. No you didn’t forget, you left the convo, no you didn’t miss the blood, you ignored it, and you’re still to to this minute, absolutely refusing to accept any criticism of Finland.
I’m not refusing to accept any criticism of Finland. You’ve so far only tried this one criticism of you having been tortured. Of that I’m not sure if it has happened.
You might try some other criticism and we might see if I accept any of that. This one seems like a bust.