On Samsung Phones. there is a function called “Auto Blocker”. If this is enabled, this blocks installing apps from unknown sources and via USB and ADB. In principle, this is a useful feature, but it also prevents the installation of updates via F-Droid. Even if F-Droid is classified as trustworthy in general and can therefore theoretically install apps and updates automatically, activating this function prevents automatic updates. If this function is deactivated, new apps and updates are installed automatically on request.
Is there a way to activate this function and still receive automatic updates via F-Droid? Does the installation of the F-Droid.apk via ADB/USB change anything in this constellation?
I’m a fan of blocking all sources, and then just unblocking every so often to install updates.
This is what I do. Minor Inconvenience.
Why would you need to block apps installing from non-Play Store sources? You shouldn’t be plugging your phone into mysterious USB ports, and the OS should always prompt you before installing a local .apk file. If you’re savvy enough to use F-Droid, you’re savvy enough to not need that hand-holding “safety” feature.
That’s not the point. I travel a lot and here the phone is occasionally checked by the local authorities. I have no control over what the Chinese authorities do with the phone when they take it with them. Needless to say, I don’t plug the phone into any USB ports myself. The fact that apps from the Playstore are not affected by this is also OK, but I have installed very few apps via the Playstore, most of them are from F-Droid.
To make a long story short: There were several such situations on my last trip and I was happy that I had this “Auto Blocker” active. But it’s not a permanent solution.
I have no control over what the Chinese authorities do with the phone when they take it with them
that’s right
Does the built in security not stop that on its own? I don’t think you can push an apk install to an android device that is locked and expect it to complete, especially if you don’t have usb debugging enabled.
Unless you’re saying they forced you to unlock the device prior to them absconding with it?
USB Debugging is disabled, when im travelling. I had two such situations last week. At the first, i had enough time to shutdown and lock the device, before that. But the second time, they asked to unlock the device. I have no idea, if they can force me to do that, when a password is set, instead of only a fingerprint. But i don’t want to risk anything. Its not that i have to hide something. There is nothing on the phone what is not allowed. Only 2 VPN connections, which is not that good in China and some other countries. One for access to my home network and the other which i use in public networks.
I don’t want to have any problems with the authorities (in any country). As long as I don’t have to hand over the device, they can have a look at what’s on the phone. But I also don’t want anything to be installed that doesn’t belong there and I want to use my VPN the way I want to.
The second situation, was the first time in my travelling, when someone asked me to unlock the device. They didn’t take it with them after unlocking it (unlike the situation where it wasn’t unlocked) but I don’t see what could stop them from doing so.