Hey guys! Okay so here’s the deal, my current PC Tower is from a deal back when Dell was giving away a free Xbox 360 if you buy a computer. About 8 years ago, I upgraded the graphics card to a 1050 and dropped in an SSD, but this thing’s very much on its last legs.

I’m thinking of trading it out for a gaming laptop, because some of what I do needs the portability, but for the most part I’d like to dock it at my desk.

I’d like to do some light gaming, and I’m considering getting a 3D printer, so some CAD work.

From what I’ve researched, I’d like 32 gigs ram, and I think 1 terrabyte SSD. I’m also planning on having an external drive stack to load games from to save space, and to keep mobile gaming to a minimum…

Y’all have any recommendations? I looked at MSI, but I’ve heard they have heat distribution issues. I like Acer and Asus, but I don’t really know what’s good.

Only other stipulations, I would love to have an HDMI out, and keep the whole build under $1,500.