With cash you have to use labor to count and sort it. You also have to setup with a cash pickup service to securely transfer your cash to the bank. Otherwise you’re risking robbery. Which (needless to say) is the most expensive and traumatizing of all the options
I see it as your typical big investor bait and switch. Start off with promise, and then once you have society hooked and it’s necessary for businesses normal everyday functions, they remove the value by increasing cc fees. It’s already happening.
Maybe one day we’ll get credit cards with screens for ads. Watch an ad to swipe your card today 🙂
With cash you have to use labor to count and sort it. You also have to setup with a cash pickup service to securely transfer your cash to the bank. Otherwise you’re risking robbery. Which (needless to say) is the most expensive and traumatizing of all the options
So yeah. I don’t blame shops for going cashless
I see it as your typical big investor bait and switch. Start off with promise, and then once you have society hooked and it’s necessary for businesses normal everyday functions, they remove the value by increasing cc fees. It’s already happening.
Maybe one day we’ll get credit cards with screens for ads. Watch an ad to swipe your card today 🙂