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The original was posted on /r/ziplyfiber by /u/SwipeType on 2025-01-24 20:20:35+00:00.

Since Ziply changed it’s bill printing a couple of months ago I am now getting errors:

The Due Dates are dated before I receive the bill - So I’m getting charged late fees…

I think we used to have a 20 day payment window… needs to get fixed.

UPDATE: ZiplySupport reversed the Late Fee of $12. I Called the ZiplyFiber phone support 866-699-4759 as suggested to ask about the billing cycle/Due Date issue

The phone support’s outgoing message hints this is not just an issue for me as there other accounts being sorted out…

It sounds like the 20 day payment window is still there …it will take at least another month for the Due Date / billing / mailing cycles to get in sync.

It looks like Ziply used to mail bills out from South Windsor CT up until Dec 2024, and now send from Salt Lake City UT…

Keeping my fingers crossed for Feb !

I think I will wait a few months for the dust to settle before I venture into the world of ‘autopay’.