I noticed it was the anniversary of the Iraq War (march 20) So i decided to post this in remembrance of all dead. I’m not sure to mark as NSFW or not, or if this post belongs. I will understand removal
Ah yes, when performative leftists sudden become “fiscal conservatives” once the issue of resisting genocide comes up.
Well, the issue of resisting Russian or Chinese genocide, at least.
THEN the dollar value of lives becomes extremely important to campist cretins, for some reason.
“The US created/fueled/escalated the Ukrainian War!”
Fucking bootlicker.
Again, you just made this up without evidence. This is untrue. Noah Kulwin explicitly stated Ukraine has every right to resist Putin’s illegal war. Supplying arms for Ukraine to defend itself has never been the issue.
Again, that’s not what he said. He’s talking about the method the US uses for all of its foreign policy. When it comes to Ukraine, the US has fueled the conflict for its own ends. That’s a fact. Unless you somehow think the US happens to be entirely altruistic when it comes to Ukraine for some reason.
None of this shows what you think it shows. If they were really “campist cretins” then they should be completely glazing Russia when it comes the the Afghanistan War right? So why don’t they do that, they have an entire season on it yet they criticize all imperialist forces involved. Weird, it’s almost like there just anti-imperialist regardless of who’s doing it or in what form.
“I don’t think America should bankroll [resistance to genocide] in perpetuity”
What, are you illiterate or something? Can you not read?
jk, I know this is all in bad faith, but thanks for proving it.
“Resistance to genocide is fueling the conflict!”
Yeah, no, genocide apologia isn’t allowed here, and neither are bad faith takes defending genocide.
Until Ukraine, apparently. But sure, they managed to critique a conflict 50 years ago while running defense for an imperialist genocide happening today, totally proves they’re anti-imperialist. I bet you think supporters of the Iraq War who critique Vietnam are anti-imperialist Americans.