You’d be fucking surprised to learn that the west is one of the least racist societies.
Divine comedy. I must have imagined all of those wars of annihilation which are still going on right the fuck now and 300 years of colonialism.
Hello, we actually have immigrants and diaspora from all over the globe?
They, just like me didn’t come to the den of jackals because of how amazing your societies are, but to make money and escape the poverty in their home countries that Europe created.
Tankies. Tanks. You drive tanks to make people do what you want. Oppression.
So says the loyal citizen of western imperialism and honest to goodness capitalist.
Divine comedy. I must have imagined all of those wars of annihilation which are still going on right the fuck now and 300 years of colonialism.
They, just like me didn’t come to the den of jackals because of how amazing your societies are, but to make money and escape the poverty in their home countries that Europe created.
So says the loyal citizen of western imperialism and honest to goodness capitalist.
Where did you come from