How dare we buy goods, improve them and then sell them. How dare we sell our services.
Imperialism makes up for roughly 25% of the global north’s GDP, although I will need to check how much of that goes to Belgium.
Either way, the point is, the EU runs a large chronic trade deficit, which it has no real intention of paying back. This represents a transfer of real commodities from the periphery to the core, in exchange for euros.
These euros then either devalue over time due to inflation (a reduction in the liabilities of the EU economies), or businesses/banks in the periphery must invest these euros into the EU. Either they buy EU debt, place their money in an EU bank, or invest in an EU business. The net result is that the euros come back into the EU, where they can be spent or lent out again.
Effectively, the EU, like the US has significantly higher purchasing power due to its currency (proped up by incredible violence against middle easterners, who have to bear the burden of the petro currencies) than their own domestic production would normally afford them.
Add on to this the chronic suppression of global south wages and prices, and America and the EU are able to stretch their money far beyond what it should be able to last, at the expense of global south development of course.
Imperialism makes up for roughly 25% of the global north’s GDP, although I will need to check how much of that goes to Belgium.
Either way, the point is, the EU runs a large chronic trade deficit, which it has no real intention of paying back. This represents a transfer of real commodities from the periphery to the core, in exchange for euros.
These euros then either devalue over time due to inflation (a reduction in the liabilities of the EU economies), or businesses/banks in the periphery must invest these euros into the EU. Either they buy EU debt, place their money in an EU bank, or invest in an EU business. The net result is that the euros come back into the EU, where they can be spent or lent out again.
Effectively, the EU, like the US has significantly higher purchasing power due to its currency (proped up by incredible violence against middle easterners, who have to bear the burden of the petro currencies) than their own domestic production would normally afford them.
Add on to this the chronic suppression of global south wages and prices, and America and the EU are able to stretch their money far beyond what it should be able to last, at the expense of global south development of course.
Global south is such a vast place. Let’s just choose a country. Indonesia. They are developing quite well.
In purchasing power, it has been improving. Western companies are quite present in Indonesia.
By fighting for and winning their sovereignty, south east Asians were able to develop despite western exploitation.
Although this came at the cost of long working hours and huge amounts of spilt blood.