An entire country of petty, idiot children.
Well it wasn’t the “entire country” who closed it. It’s a petulant child that is souring relations because Putin wants him to. Please don’t bash Americans for goofy shit like this.
Put a door on the Canadian side, make the space the new LGBTQ+ dance club
Just open a window and put a Canadian Goose inside, the Americans will leave fairly quickly lol
It took actual effort to close the Canadian access. Some asshat thought it was time well spent. The inhumanity is not just in the presidents office or the heritage foundation mansions anymore.
Also, at no point did anyone try to stop said asshat. That’s the bit that gets me with these, every time. The country is full of cowards and bullies.
Easy fix. Cut a hole in the wall on the Canadian side or better yet tear our half down. Fuck these idiots.
Fill our side with barbed wire and snakes
No I am more fond of the idea of putting geese in the windows.
Take it down. Move it 5 meters to the side and rebuild it putting a new wall in place of the open side. Fill it back up and voila!
Murica hates education!
If I wanted to improve the USA, I would add pizza to education. I guarantee that Americans would love education in no time. Solve the problem? Piece of pizza! Done the exercise? Sip of beer! Education is cool!
I could not find it in the article, but what gives them the authority to do that on the Canadian side?
The door to enter it is in the USA side. Canadian would need to make an opening on the wall in Canada.
Presumably, the US grant funding. Outside of that, the land was donated by the Haskell family, so maybe a US entity “owns” it? I’m unsure of how that can be true while it’s designated a National Historic Site of Canada, though.
Just take a piece of chalk and mark it down the floor. The Brady bunch had this figured out ages ago. We have the technology.
Big “taking my ball and going home” energy.