found a thing that said you could use Gnome Files on Mac using MacPorts. I don’t know what MacPorts is but I was able to find some instructions on how to use it with Gnome Files, but it’s a bit involved and I don’t want to screw up my Mac (not as easy to recover a mac installation as a Linux in my inexperience). Anyone actually done this? Can’t find any info about it on Youtube. Would like to see how it actually functions.
I’m not familiar with gnome files, however, instead of macports, consider homebrew. I was a long time Mac ports user until about 12 years ago- brew is great and is more widely used. It also supports installing GUI apps via brew casks- combined with brew files, you can install your complete kit on any computer with just a command. I’ve found homebrew does a LOT less compiling from source since it has precompiled “bottles” available for most things. Good luck!