After four years of “FJB” chants and stickers, they named the new fighter jet “F-47” Right there on a silver platter…
If I was in charge of a country’s military I would not buy hardware from the US. How can I be sure they haven’t loaded it with some sort of backdoor that disables it if it’s used against the US?
That’s hilarious. F*** 47 indeed. I’m Canadian, tell Hegseth I got the clear, direct message.
First alienate every potential customer of advanced military equipment, then dump insane amounts of money into development of advanced military equipment. The art of the deal.
Maybe they’re hoping to win the world war.
They did name it after Trump: it spells FAT.
Beautiful observation. I’ll get our best graphic designers on that 🤌
Hegseth said that the F-47 "sends a very direct, clear message to our allies….”
Wait, we still have allies?
We do. With friends like us they don’t need enemies.
Yes, Trump is so untrustworthy because he tells a lot allies
After four years of “FJB” chants and stickers, they named the new fighter jet “F-47” Right there on a silver platter…
Are you referring to abbreviation FFS, or am I missing something?
FJB = “F Joe Biden”.
The maga rubes are not a clever lot
Yeah I got that part, but what’s the joke with F-47? Only thing I can think of is F-Forty Seven = FFS
DJT is the 47th US president
it’s fuck 47(th President)
Oooooh gotcha
Amazing, right? I’m thinking baseball caps, t-shirts, stickers. Heck, not even having any text. Just the picture of the plane.
I’m sorry, do they think we still have allies?
They just need to sell the concept of normality until the coup is complete and the great Trump depression hits America like a ton of bricks.
It’s even funnier because last I heard, the NGAD was maybe getting cancelled, because aerial combat paradigms are changing a LOT. The B-21 is rumored to be able to carry a LOT of AIM-120Ds (and there’s a swath of new stealthy and/or long-range Fox-3s on the cusp of deployment); between that, AWACS, and a few F-35s running point as sensor platforms, you could theoretically wreck whole airforces with a dozen or so B-21s just hanging back and lobbing missiles for a while.
But orangeboi want fast plane name for him so he get good fast plane. Pay no mind to the fact that it’ll certainly not be taking advantage of economies of scale (on top of the F-35 cancellations from Portugal, and serious reconsideration by Canada and several EU countries), because they surely won’t approve export to anyone (except Russia maybe? Who knows). Air combat maneuver is going to be a fully obsolete domain the second we get workable energy weapons, and we’re already deploying shit like that as a CWIS replacement on destroyers. High-maneuverability will be owned by drones (can you pull 30Gs indefinitely? Because a bunch of integrated circuits can, if you package it the right way). Human-crewed aircraft will be strategic/oversight platforms. This is frankly a silly investment in an area of defense tech that is actually kind of a dead end at this point due to other advances. As much as I love flight sims and the physics of ACM, its just going to stop mattering at some point in real life military conflicts.
All in all, absolutely not shocked he’s done this, and it’s true to form in a lot of ways.
Don’t worry guys, it’ll be made by Boeing. No need to shoot at it, it’ll fall from the sky by itself.
“I might have dropped my bombs prematurely, but it’s not my fault. Some dude at spirit forgot the bolts.”
yea but you want it to ‘fall’ where you want it to.
Hegseth said that the F-47 "sends a very direct, clear message to our allies…
Allies? Which ones are left… Russia?
The direct clear message I’m getting is that its going to be a piece of shit because its made by Boeing