Thing describes it well. Your kid might be younger than I thought 😅
Thing describes it well. Your kid might be younger than I thought 😅
You monster!
What will it be?
If you hold your head sideways, the 8 becomes infinity! 💕
According to them, Trump didn’t lose in 2020, so he’s out as well.
I’m sick, can’t eat. Now hungry on top. Thanks Obama 😑
Welcome to “I can’t believe we elected this asshole Trump”-airport, we hope you had a peasant flight.
“It totally will. Trust me bro.”
OK, let him run against Obama then.
Was referring to the picture, Paul 💘
I only have two, and they’re married to eachother.
Well, I didn’t expect that answer from a woman in the streets, now what?
Yeah, they can go eat a fucking ameno… anenomy? ANEMONE!
Stop it with those really, really hard questions, okay?
That’s not true. We gather underground to have fun every other Wednesday at 18:30.
That’s (18:30-12:00)PM for you Americans.
I haven’t seen it, but now I’m curious. Thanks
I’m interested and I’m cutting down on animal sourced food, but they are aggressive, ignorant and overall annoying, so I blocked them some days ago. I’m not sure what their goal is. Gatekeeping veganism so that nobody considers it?
German here.
Oh no, nobody could have guessed! I’m shocked! 🤡
It’s not that the CDU is run by a massive asshole (it’s the cherry on top). It’s that there’s not much besides. The SPD is run by an idiot not realizing how unpopular or even disliked he is. I rather like the green party, but they have shown time after time that they aren’t able to communicate. The rest… Oh my.
Edit: I can’t believe I’m writing this, but I… I want Mutti back.