Maybe it’s too much to say people who experienced this stuff are delusional? I know a lot of them personally and they live a normal life, but they keep saying testimonies about holy experience, that God talks to them etc.
Maybe it’s too much to say people who experienced this stuff are delusional? I know a lot of them personally and they live a normal life, but they keep saying testimonies about holy experience, that God talks to them etc.
The spirit molecule, the god molecule, DMT, the pineal gland, the light at the end of the tunnel, the cosmic serpent, the tree of knowledge (Ayahuasca), insectoid creatures, aliens, machine elves, the green lady, clowns, angels, fractals/stained glass windows . . . . it is all drugs which are plentiful in our own brains. That explains the OT. The NT, keneh bosem or cannabis. Just watch RIDE WITH LARRY PART THREE to witness demons cast out of a man with a single drop of healing oil which Jesus used for his ministry. The recipe is in Exodus 25 and sports copious amounts of keneh bosem.
Religion = drugs.
Oh, and floaters. DID YOU JUST SEE THAT? I swear I saw something.