SearXNG does, I think…any others? Looking around for other engines that aren’t US-based, though I guess DDG is still considered acceptable for LibreWolf’s default engine. Bangs are incredibly useful!
SearXNG does, I think…any others? Looking around for other engines that aren’t US-based, though I guess DDG is still considered acceptable for LibreWolf’s default engine. Bangs are incredibly useful!
I’ve seen so many people talking about it that I tried the free trial. It has been giving good enough results. My reference is usually duck dck go since that’s what I’ve used for years, and I only fall back to google when really need to expand my search, but google has been so useless about almost everything that anything else is a win.
I’m not sure if I’ll pay or keep using or not, but for now I activated it as the default on my browsers and devices to get a feeling.
I like the idea of a proper business where the business model is clear and where they are making their money. They even have changelogs with their updates and it seems they keep improving things focused on the user, which is nice.