I think Lumons goal is to create a chip, that can be activated every time a person has to do something unpleasant or painful.

With this chip a person that is afraid of flying or the dentist could just activate the chip and can travel easier and have better dental health.

People that hate to do physical exercises can simply let their innie do the work and be fit and healthy without having to work for it.

Woman that are to afraid to give birth can have children without having to suffer through a potentially painful birth. When Lumon has a chip like that, they might be able to convince a lot of people to get chipped. That is something Jame talked to Helena about in season 1 episode 9. “Everybody should have a chip!”

And when everybody has a Lumon chip they might have darker plans to control people with these chips.

So on the testing floor they created a chip that makes Innies willing to take the pain for the Outie. Maybe they are able to copy Gemmas chip after Cold Harbour. And these copied chips could then be implanted in others?

What do you think?

  • MimicJar@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I think the something else, the something darker, is the ethics of it all. We see it from Helena when Helly tries to quit, “I am a person, you are not.”

    I also suspect that the four tempers, Woe, Frolic, Dread, Malice, are viewed as something that is holding humanity back. That a “perfect” human is a being that has control of these tempers. By severing these tempers you can create a “perfect” society.