Men, help me read eye contact.
Mainly interested in this guy who’s always extremely serious when looking at me: he holds eye contact and i’ve caught him looking at me when I can’t see him but whenever we interact he’s dead serious.
Never smiled back to me, he’s always nice though… He doesn’t seem shy but maybe I can’t tell cause he seems very masculine… I don’t understand if he’s just serious, or shy or intentionally doing that. He almost looks angry but I can tell he’s not haha
There’s also autistic people that have completely different social responses, including not smiling when looking at someone. That doesn’t mean they don’t wanna be friendly.
I’m not saying that’s the case here, and you always have to watch out for abnormal social responses, but if you deem someone safe to approach, talking is simply usually the best way to find out about people.
I’m in this boat, I just look pissed all the time and it takes a lot to get an actual smile from me. I used to try and fake it a lot but I wasn’t good at it so it made people even more uncomfortable.