Men, help me read eye contact.
Mainly interested in this guy who’s always extremely serious when looking at me: he holds eye contact and i’ve caught him looking at me when I can’t see him but whenever we interact he’s dead serious.
Never smiled back to me, he’s always nice though… He doesn’t seem shy but maybe I can’t tell cause he seems very masculine… I don’t understand if he’s just serious, or shy or intentionally doing that. He almost looks angry but I can tell he’s not haha
He looks pretty confident and outgoing actually… He seems down to earth and nice, but sort of proud, in the way he moves and walks or how he behaves (from what I’ve seen from a distance, so just body language and his posture…)
And he’s not afraid to raise his voice, I always notice this cause I’m very quiet myself.
Anyway, I still don’t know how to interpret his behaviour with me