You can make thermite at home, and firework mortars are pretty commonly available. A balloon filled with thermite with a firework shell tucked inside should catch anything around it on fire pretty easily.
Oh yeah thermite is fun! Definitely didn’t make any as a kid off of a “lifehacker . com” (dead site, don’t visit) video that claimed it could melt through an engine block or anything like that…
We didn’t have any spare engine blocks but it’ll fuck up a dumpster pretty good…I uhhh…suspect.
You can make thermite at home, and firework mortars are pretty commonly available. A balloon filled with thermite with a firework shell tucked inside should catch anything around it on fire pretty easily.
Definitely a “light fuse, run away” situation.
Oh yeah thermite is fun! Definitely didn’t make any as a kid off of a “lifehacker . com” (dead site, don’t visit) video that claimed it could melt through an engine block or anything like that…
We didn’t have any spare engine blocks but it’ll fuck up a dumpster pretty good…I uhhh…suspect.