So, they prove once again that they don’t learn.
Mmore proof the neo liberal democratic party is a controlled opposition party who bows to the will of the same Wall Street military and prison industry profiteers that guide the policies of the right. Trump is going to be handed another 4 years after they repeal the 22nd amendment. this country is a fascist hellscape
no just no no no please god no
I like Harris just fine and she would have been a far better president than Donnie, but this is how JD Vance becomes President.
Please don’t.
What the fuckkkkk
Both the Dems and Republicans have failed us…Maybe we should start looking to a third party that actually cares about the people.
This is why repubs don’t have to cheat to win. Democrats will it into existence.
No we fucking didn’t. She can’t win a primary against sanders.
This is First Past The Post in action. 2/3 of respondents selected someone other than her, yet she “wins” this poll.
Drop the bottom 1/3rd of the candidates, and revote. Repeat a couple times. This soon after the election, Harris’s support is as high as it’s going to get. Reduce the number of spoilers, and her numbers have nowhere to go but down.
Fuck off loser
You really think there will be elections in 2028…
No they fucking haven’t.
I don’t know who they’re polling to come up with that trash. Dems didn’t turn out for her in 2024 because she had no answers on the economy, and refused to admit Israel was genociding Palestinians, so they sure as shit aren’t going to turn up for her in 2028–if there’s even an election in 2028–when she still won’t have any answers about the economy–which will likely be in full depression territory by then–and all she’ll be able to do with Israel is say, "well, it’s too late, all the Palestinians have been genocided, oh well).
Here’s an idea, maybe field a compelling candidate who can beat Trump?
Crazy I know. I just don’t know where it comes from sometimes.
If Trump is allowed to run again so is Obama. Not sure how everyone feels about that.
Democrats love fucking losing.