…Should I want a Goodyear welt in my hiking boots in the first place?

I’ve been using my Iron Rangers for hiking these last few years, which I know is not ideal. But they’re the best I have, at the moment. All of the “good” outdoor stores in the Netherlands are mostly filled with boots with cemented soles. European brands I’ve come across are the following (mostly from here):

  • Lundhags
  • Alico Sport
  • Gronell
  • Meindl
  • Crispi
  • Hanwag
  • Alfa
  • Lowa (Does this brand even have GYW?)
  • Lavitus
  • Trabert
  • Steinkogler
  • William Lennons
  • Meermin

Not all of these are really available (or affordable, ideally I’d want it second hand). And many have cemented soles. Any experiences or recommendations?