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Top trending post on Reddit, and it's what day 10 of this regime?
But really, about year 50 of looting the people in favor of wealth transfer upward.
Just about as many people will revolt as the number of people that moved to Canada when GWB was elected. Really easy to bitch on an internet forum, really hard to actually do something. The average American is so soft, they think a 1 day boycott of Starbucks is fighting the man. Even though the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed with blood periodically, our benevolent overlords have made the public so feeble and docile I don’t expect much.
Just about as many people will revolt as the number of people that moved to Canada when GWB was elected. Really easy to bitch on an internet forum, really hard to actually do something. The average American is so soft, they think a 1 day boycott of Starbucks is fighting the man. Even though the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed with blood periodically, our benevolent overlords have made the public so feeble and docile I don’t expect much.