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The original was posted on /r/truscum by /u/Sad-Marionberry7117 on 2025-01-22 01:44:45+00:00.
Ok, so I’ve kinda been an extremely defensive detransitioner apologist, but I feel like I’ve had a sort of realization. I used to think that the worst thing that could happen to someone was ending up transitioning only to not be trans. It’s just annoying, because why is such a small population who only usually suffers a much smaller population coddled and treated like these poor helpless babies who didn’t know? Like some girl will go on t for a year over her yaoi fetish then, oh no she wants to detransition, but she’s an alto in choir now,(that can easily be fixed with the right voice training, as a singer with a big vocal range who worked for it). But then there’s us, everything about our bodies have been wrong since the beginning and the real dysphoric trans people are treated like shit by both trans activists and transphobes alike. If a trans person goes through years of the wrong puberty, it’s no big deal, but some guy goes on estrogen for 2 minutes and “loses muscle” that he never had, his life is apparently ruined.
I’m most of all annoyed at myself.
Why did I force myself to feel so bad for these people? Girls with PCOS go thru way worse than the trenders who ended up regretting it. I didn’t sob over PCOS girls constantly or boys with kleinfelters. And I’m annoyed that I downplayed my own (and other trans ppl) struggles over these people who don’t go through half of what we do most times.