I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, “how I liked to fuck”.
I was told certain issues were “sexual tension” and I should just “take the co-worker out on a coffee date to ease it out”
I was asked to twerk for a co-worker at one point
who is this maniac that asked this question and made these requests
this person should be fired asap otherwise others may leave as well
I’m happy Madison took her mental health and self-respect above the job
She sounds mentally ill from minor remarks. Conflating being told she should take time to grieve about her dead brother with being told she should just accept miscommunication because they don’t want to deal with it sounds so insane. Like she’s never been met with empathy in her life and looks for the dagger in the shadow. Then you have her literally admitting to self harm just to take a sick day and have an excuse, which sounds like her issue. If a company tells me off about taking sick days I’m talking to the department of labor, or whatever Canadian equivalent, and will threaten legal counsel for denying my legal working rights.
Sorry, I’m not gonna buy into this personal confirmation bias POV unless we have more proof and corroboration. All too convenient to come with this along GNs spear tip.
This is not your conventional toxic workplace. This is ADVANCED toxicity. She resorted to self harm for a day off. That’s a type of struggle that can make a company go terminal if the rank and file band together.
This needs to be spread.
Im sorry, but that is conventional toxic workplace. Or ive just heard a lot of horror stories from people.
Reading the full thread was stressful enough, I don’t even want to image what it was like to live it.
Now I understand why the company is so against unionizing, all this stuff would pretty quickly explode in their face. It’s straight up abuse that should be met by the full force of the legal system.
What the fuck is wrong with people that makes them think that if you have the smallest modicum of power over someone else it’s your god given right to be an asshole, a sexual predator or just generally toxic.
I don’t get it.
His Union comments are just tone deaf. He’s not wrong that it would be a failure on the company if people felt they needed to unionize. It doesn’t need to be said. Clearly he didn’t think he treated his employees badly, but here we are.
None of this is surprising to me at all. I’ve been seeing hints of a toxic ‘hustle’ mindset in their videos for quite some time and have commented as much on the videos. I’ve worked in environments just like this and once you’ve lived it it’s easy af to spot.
Linus probably says ‘I don’t ask anything of anyone that I don’t expect of myself’ and then goes on to expect someone making 50k to put in as much time and effort as he did when first starting LTT/LMG.
That is seriously my biggest gripe about employers… They think our pittance motivates us as much as their fortune.
Yea, I’ll get it done by the end of the week! Let’s trade paychecks and I’ll f*cking get it done real fast…
This supports the notion that the issues with quality are due to overextended teams. It sounds like yet another workplace where upstairs decisions are made without consulting the people who will actually do the work, and so the rank and file have to constantly scramble to make up for that. I feel like LTT leadership decided a velocity of content to support certain goals rather than what their resources can actually do.
… And it also seems like they have not outgrown the “early joiners can do whatever they want to whomever they want” problem that plagues companies like this.
I mean we already knew their staff was overextended, and that upper management has been pushing for velocity at the expense of quality. This has been self evident by the myriad of issues pointed out in Steve’s video.
What wasn’t already apparent was how horrendously abusive of a workplace LMG appears to actually be. This is quite literally shocking and I honestly think most of the commenters are underreacting, lol.
This poor girl was sexually assaulted by coworkers/management on multiple occasions. Verbally abused regularly. And she had to self harm to a degree that she needed to go to the ER just to TAKE A DAY OFF FROM WORK.
I used to work in tech myself, and I’ve heard some horror stories, especially from women in tech. But this is among the worst. If all this is true, LMG is a horrific, toxic, abusive organization and I hope they get sued into the ground.
Definitely unsubscribing from all their channels. All of that shit is absolutely disgusting.
I had wondered what happened to her and why she seemed to rarely be in any content despite having a good camera presence. It sucks that she had to put up with all that. Linus should have put in his big boy pants and fired the shit heads that helped create such a toxic work environment. He clearly does not know how to manage a company.
From the thread, Linus is part of the problem.
Linus is the problem. It’s a top down problem, and he’s the one at the top. Everything stems from time and lack of it to resolve issues correctly. When you don’t have time to deal with things and more things get requested of you, it’s human nature to try to downplay or discredit their importance.