So… things not actually restricted to internal combustion engines? That sounds… rather petty and foolish.
So… things not actually restricted to internal combustion engines? That sounds… rather petty and foolish.
What about it, for curiosity’s sake? Is it the fumes? The crazyness of literally going so fast as to barely retain control in tons of metal? Or for things like motorbikes, doing all that without tons of metal for a modicum of protection? lol
I love motorsports, but no matter the power source, the extreme stuff kinda’ takes having a screw or two loose…
Personally, I would not feel comforted by an LLM telling me racism is real, but the last bit makes total sense, “… this technology highlights the need for increased representation and training …”
Better than nothing, I’m sure, but this country has a BAD habit of turning, “better than nothing” in to the only option available, and usually at a stupid price…
Wasn’t Play Boy rather progressive at all times? What’s the broken clock?
I really hate peoples’ misconstruing of attraction with objectification. The presence of nudity doesn’t make something bad, exploitative, or wrong. The presence of someone attractive does not mean that is the entire point.
The bible says to worship in your own home, and demonstrating it in public is just an act of showboating.
The very fact their churches even exist demonstrates they do not live their own teachings, let alone the opulent ones proving they’re total hypocrites.
To give a nore detailed answer… Tankies are “lefties” who have failed to realize one or two extremely important facts about the world:
“Strong men” are not a good thing. No matter your political opinion, using force to get it is literally incompatible with many leftist teachings. The very act of violent rebellion requires the use of force that many believe a government shoudn’t have. Thusly, any violent revolution stands a STRONG chance of being shunned by those who do not want a government with sanctioned violence. Getting a “leftist” government through basic violence WILL result in a fascist government. Always.
Strong men cannot be allowed unjust power no matter how just they are. They cannot be allowed power because despite how cliche the expression, “power corrupts”, it is wholly true. It doesn’t matter how good a particular ruler is. If the levers of power exist, someone WILL pull them very bad directions.
Basically… Tankies are leftists who have not or cannot think through how authority is actually bad to allow to exist in any unchecked form. They think a ruler who does good things is good, when most leftists SHOULD be answering they don’t want any ruler.
The horseshoe theory exists because of tankies and extremists. If you want leftist policy but want to achieve it through uncouth means, that’s definitionally authoritarian in nature for many answers, and authoritarian answers should be antithetical to the left. Even forcing a utopia still creates a coercive government.
It is HIGHLY silly to even imply these woes are from a, “learn-on-the-job” crew/etc.
Many of the allegations are about basic factual information being wrong and a terrible work environment.
Those DO NOT naturally show up in any ol’ little work environment. They show up when there’s a lack of professionalism and basic respect for fellow humans.
That is seriously my biggest gripe about employers… They think our pittance motivates us as much as their fortune.
Yea, I’ll get it done by the end of the week! Let’s trade paychecks and I’ll f*cking get it done real fast…
Not a generated shitgloss version. Anything but a generated shitgloss version.