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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/LilSnatchy on 2025-02-03 16:03:58+00:00.
Greetings fellow tinkerers,
Few weeks ago I posted on reddit, that I found a solution to the IKEA Vallhorn motion sensor reacting very slow sometimes:
Someone suggested, that I should ask, if my new insights (see link above, if you are interested) could be added to the device information page on ()
I created a pull request on github and got in touch with Koenkk, the founder of Zigbee2MQTT. I had a little chat with him and now the problem will be fixed once and for all out of the box. You just have to install the newest update of Zigbee2MQTT (Version 2.1.0-1) and add a new IKEA Vallhorn sensor! (Zigbee2MQTT will now overwrite the default “Min rep interval” reporting value with 0 automatically)
If you want to fix existing sensors, just follow my directions in the post above or use the “Reconfigure” button in Zigbee2MQTT (this will reset all configuration to default for this device!)
Note, that these motion sensors are passive / sleeping devices. If you want to use the reconfigure button, you should wait until the sensor shows no occupancy (clear). Then click the button and activate / wake up the sensor right after that by walking in front of it. Otherwise Zigbee2MQTT won’t be able to apply any configuration.
I am very happy, that IKEA Vallhorn will work properly from now on, which makes them much more useful!