Also must be a UniversalMonk alt account because their Jill Stein shill comments are bleeding through lolol
Also must be a UniversalMonk alt account because their Jill Stein shill comments are bleeding through lolol
Wouldn’t it be fun if I had a bunch of alt’s? You know, spreading myself out amongst usernames so that you would never know where I was?! And that it would all be a direct result of you guys trying to silence me?
Maybe you all should have just ignored me rather than try to silence and ban me! Sorta like, you ended up creating me because you provided me the inspiration to talk more and talk louder! Wouldn’t that be ironic and fun?!
Yes, that would be fun. But no, the I am not NiteOwl.
Thanks, friend! :)
Good luck with your alts and raging novella replies.
Thank you! Actually, I’m having great luck. So thank you for your kind words, friend!
And thanks for helping create me. It’s fun!