Something big is happening, as Reddit seems to have purged literally every NSFW sub they know. Reason is always “unmoderated” despite some of the banned subreddits being fully moderated.
r/transgender_surgeries wasn’t porn. It was a community outlet for results so people could understand what to expect. Queer folk always get swept up with porn, cishet only see us as a “kink” and assume our existence is entirely sexual.
It’s fucking infuriating.
You… see who’s in charge, right? Republicans always target LGBTQ+ folks for “pornographic” violations.
It’s a shame. I’m not trans. I’m a cis male and I have no desire to be female. But I live in a very trans friendly community and as such I have many trans friends and they need outlets. I joined a meetup group which inadvertly became a trans safe space (original topic was anime) and many trans people just joined as it was the one space where they weren’t judged. We just did it in the way of anime, like their only safe space is something not trans releated and this is despite living in a friendly city. I will be an ally to all my trans friends and support them in this time of need.
Queer folk always get swept up with porn, cishet only see us as a “kink” and assume our existence is entirely sexual.
This is the whole point of these porn bans is to remove queer people from the internet. The porn cover just allows it to happen. So whenever you see anything about porn bans think queer ban first and then some porn removal that comes right back
The old ass fascists trying to hold together their plutocracy suppress anything that goes against their patriarchal values.
Even looking at it as a fetish, trans porn has been skyrocketing in popularity
And this terrifies right wingers
The current patriarchy sees non-binary people as a threat to their heirachies. If the line between man and woman gets blurred then we start questioning why we aren’t all actually equal, and that leads to us removing them from power.
Really anything that shows or hints that any part of their “natural” order is something created. Gender is a big one but anything
it’s telling that they target trans content; but leave gay content alone.
They knew that their attacks on gay people weren’t as popular as they once were so they are taking the exact same tactics and language and moving it towards Trans people. It both predictable and sad at the same time
it’s sad, but expected from conservatives; the real sadness is an “ally” like biden who didn’t enact the equal right amendment that would help protect trans people from the legal version of this shit and then very publicly pretended that he did.
Why are people still talking about Biden? He’s not the president and I thought we all agreed he was a feeble brained old centrist who needed to gtfo the way. Living rent free etc.
The damage he allowed to happen doesn’t magically disappear once he left office
The damage they’ve all allowed going back decades. He’s bought and paid for just like every other pol. None of them are on our side and shouldn’t be treated like they are.
Gay people are on the chopping block for sure, just a bit farther down
They lost the chance to scapegoat the gays after they failed to in the 80s during the AIDS epidemic
Now there’s too many gay people in the population to keep them down.
Once we get over this hurdle the same will be true for Trans people.
Now there’s too many gay people in the population to keep them down.
Well if we made more gay people, let’s just make more trans people. Problem solved!
I’m doing my part ;3
let’s just make more trans people. Problem solved!
This is literally what right wingers accuse trans people trying to engage with kids in public of doing. Like trans story time, or trans teachers. That they’re going to trans their children, like it’s some kind of vampire curse.
I’m currently discussing with people about mirroring it somewhere on lemmy, but there is also Transbucket which already exists.
Well it is genitals but the purpose is entirely different. I don’t agree with it but I can at least see the logic.
By that “logic”, all obgyn’s are sex workers. It’s shit justification for bigotry and shouldn’t be given any credence whatsoever.
Not sure I follow the logic since an OBGYNs job is not get you off.
If they are banning NSFW images, then that’s why.
Like I said the purpose of those images in the trans subreddits serve an educational purpose. But you probably shouldn’t be viewing it at work. If they are banning nudity, that’s nudity.
Like I said I don’t agree with the ban hammer, but it’s consistent. However, in my opinion, all it should be left as is regardless of the purpose.
since an OBGYNs job is not get you off.
Neither is trans people posting the results of surgery.
This entire line of thinking is contradictory, nonsensical and unhelpful.
I was replying to comment the “OBGYNs are sex workers” comment. Tran surgery pics are very useful and not porn.
If you can’t follow that logic I’m not sure what to do.
I mean, ffs. #notallcishet? I don’t get how people who are being oppressed and all lumped together under one description (which you all definitely are) can be so nonchalant throwing around broad strokes like that.
You got a problem with trans people? No? Then it wasn’t talking about you. Christ, is that hard to understand?
When a group of people makes an “us vs them” against a minority, it forces the minority to use that language back. As a cishet person, your identity is being used as a weapon to harm trans people regardless if you’re doing anything. Ignorance of the minorities plight can be weaponized to do more harm and that ignorance can be shielded through appeals to normalcy and tradition.
When you respond to that language with “not all cishet people” you signal that your support is contingent on you not losing anything (your ignorance is one of the things you can lose). Which can and will be used to weaponize more harm against the minority group.
I realize that I’m outnumbered here and that this is apparently an unpopular opinion, but nobody is forcing anyone to say “all x are y” because someone else is (I agree, in bad faith) doing the same thing.
You’ve both been quite rude to me and I’m done engaging you, but that’s the full extent of my point and I’m unconvinced by your rebuttals.
Ciao now 🫡
nobody is forcing anyone to say “all x are y” because someone else is (I agree, in bad faith) doing the same thing.
Legal documents are being made to say that all x (transgender individuals) are now y (the wrong gender) because someone else (the government) is making them say so.
I’ve never disputed that. I don’t know how reiterating that fact in any way supports the idea that it “forces” transgender individuals to use the same language to describe “all cishet” people.
That was my point. It always has been.
If I were visually impaired and protesting unsuccessfully for better accessibility in my work environments, I can’t imagine why I would make a claim in any capacity including the language “all sighted people”.
Lol was that hashtag ironic? You know “not all men” is frequently referenced as a critique about men who can’t hear criticism of gender equality because “not all men”? As a cishet dude: calm down, their point is valid and your reaction is cringe
Ludicrous. But fuck it. As you were 🙄
They have been coming back. /drugs being one that is back. Don’t know wtf happened, but glad I’m here.
Spez: “Daddy Elon wants me to get rid of all the twitter critical and trans related subs. How can I do it without it being too obvious?”
Snoo Lackey: “Easy. What we’ll do is ban a load of morally grey subs like porn and drug related ones along with the twitter critical and trans ones. Then, when the predictable uproar kicks off, we’ll wait awhile then announce it was all a terrible mistake and we’ll reactivate all the porn ones. We just won’t reactivate the twitter critical or trans ones. Because lets be honest - no one really cares and as long as the simpletons have their wank bank back, they’ll neither notice nor care either!”
Spez: “Brilliant!”
Good theory, but it looks like they all came back including the transgender related subs.
that’s funny because I was banned for saying fireworks in Brampton Ontario
Reddit is preparing to surrender to somebody who does not want NSFW content on their site in an attempt to appease advertisers. Possibly Musk.
Could be going for IPO finally.
reddit ipo was last march
Yea, didn’t realize that, I’ve just been on Lemmy.
Reddit went public a year ago…
Oh really? Lmao, shows how little I’ve been paying attention to it
Actually, it went on the market last year.
Shows how littel attention I’ve given it since coming to Lemmy, lmao
Lol maybe a good thing
Definitely has been, lmao
The anti-porn conservatives have always been about controlling women.
That woman who founded OnlyFans driving around in 10 different Lamborghinis, that’s their worst fucking nightmare.
Before that, it was that one lady whose husband died and then she discovered massive oil reserves under her land.
That kind of stuff is an existential threat to the patriarchy, which conservative control freaks must preserve at any cost.
They cannot allow women to become self-sufficient and thereby self-determinative. Otherwise, who will take care of the men, and raise the men’s babies?
Literally why witch hunts existed. It was just a way for authorities to expropriate the wealth of some random dowager who won’t remarry (and therefore automatically cede all property to her new husband).
Also, frankly, I think sexual repression is just a HUGE part of the control mechanisms these people employ. Basically, “joy” is seen as a “sin” because there should “only be joy in God” or some stupid bull shit. You are supposed to take bride in being as missrable as possible so in the afterlife you will get eternal joy or whatever.
of course we’re on lmao.
based instance
It’s funny because I watch zero NSFW content on Reddit or Lemmy.
Have way better sources for that, you know 😏
it really is funny. furries have the best image board for the worst content. (or not, depending on how you see it i suppose)
furries stay winning, what can i say.
Thankfully /r/cumsluts has been spared… for now!
Quick, web.archive all xD
thank god all the niche fd up ones that make me question why reddit is public are still there
this was literally why i still kinda used reddit. welp hello lemmynsfw!
I don’t care about NSFW subs per se, but they’re useful canaries in the coal mine. If they’re gone gone, it’s a fine indicator of what’s about to come next.
No, your canaries are already long dead. It’s long been a process when Reddit admins don’t want a sub to exist but it isn’t actually breaking any rules to laser focus on the moderators, ban them the moment they have an excuse, immediately ban the sub for being unmoderated, refuse to give it to a new mod via reddit request and ban any replacement subs for recreating a banned sub. Hell, r/GamingCircleJerk has been laughing about some right wing gaming memes sub having that done to it just a few weeks ago.
They only care about it not looking like they are just nuking subs they don’t like is because they don’t want to scare off other users who might get antsy about having a community under those sorts of capricious admins.
This sounds a lot like an automation of that process that misfired. That they were all specifically banned for being “unmoderated” is what jumps out to me as telling.
It doesn’t look like all the NSFW subs are banned yet, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that happens soon.
Looks like maybe they’re starting with the main ones‽
Unironically devastating for Reddit financially and could see a gooner exodus to Lemmy.
I’m against the ban, but I also don’t want that gooning here. Although that’s what drives like half of the internet so maybe it’s a good thing for the fediverse.
You can just block that instance
Dr. Cox has joined the chat
Many technologies lived and died based on what the gooners chose, e.g. VHS vs betamax. I welcome them
As a horny pedant I need to tell you that’s not why Betamax failed.
Is it one of those internet “facts” like the eating spiders in your sleep one?
It’ll be constrained to pro-gooning instances, most seem to be defederated from porn but the influx of users in general will spill over to the non-gooning instances.
Like - a lot of Reddit users seemed to have accounts specifically to interact with porn, I think that transfers well into the Fediverse, you just get your porn account on an instance that is federated with the porn ones.
That’s how mine works, and I use different apps to browse porn so those apps are logged into the correct account always.
Yep, and that will have spillover. There isn’t going to be an increase in porn on non-porn instances, but the growth of porn instances will increase general users, though not at a 1 to 1 rate.
pretty much just lemmynsfw, and nsfw can easily be turned off here
Man, like I’ll welcome new people, but I don’t want all flooded with porn. I already had to block a bunch of communities/ profiles, and I’ll have to work more to fix my feed. Having said that
Give me your tired, your goons, Your huddled masses yearning to goon free, I guess.
Try jerboa, you can just block the nsfw instance instead of doing it piecemeal. Total game changer. (Some of the other apps probably have this functionality but I don’t know which.)
I do this in sync as it is. Just saying if a shitload of reddit refugees come here and my feed becomes 90% full of porn, I’ll likely have a few more to ban.
As far as I can tell, you can only block communities in sync which is why you’re having to do it one by one. Jerboa you can just block the whole NSFW instance, one and done.
You can also pick an instance defederated from porn.
I didn’t want other NSFW stuff blocked, just porn. When I was originally signing up it seemed like NSFW was being treated as an all or nothing for most instances. Idk if it’s changed or if I just needed to look harder.
What’s an example of NSFW that you want to see that is banned by instances banning porn? Which instances are you referring to?
Idk it was like 2 years ago. I just remember looking through fediverse guides and instances were labeled as either allowing NSFW content or not, no nuance. I didn’t dig into whether the specific instances were defederated from lemmynsfw nor did I even know to look for that at the time.
There’s not that much NSFW stuff that isn’t porn but I come across it occasionally. Usually jokes, sometimes people will also be very cautious and mark shit that isn’t really. I prefer to be largely unconstrained with what comes across my feed, just don’t care for the random puss intermingled.
The world really kind of needs more buckets besides “NSFW and SFW”.
We will be a melting pot where goon and righteous will mingle in the everlasting hope of prosperity and freedom… for all.
think blocks nsfw and political stuff
I’m not an admin or anything, but there was a recent meta post about this topic. A lot of NSFW and political stuff is restricted but not blocked. All that means is that it won’t show in any feed unless you actually subscribe to the community. If you subscribe it will show in the all-feed like normal. I think it’s a good middle ground.
As far as I remember they weren’t monetizing NSFW subs, so I guess their reasoning is that banning them reduces server costs while not impacting their ads revenue.
Now what will be interesting is to see how much of Reddit’s userbase was there at least partly for the porn, and how many users will leave Reddit altogether because of this move
it’s a loss leader and is an important part of most business models
I always had a feeling this was gonna happen. I don’t think they can put ads on nsfw subreddits so they are effectively a leech on resources. Gotta get those profits.
That’s what it looks like. There are a lot of NSFW subs that didn’t get banned, and some that got banned that weren’t NSFW like /r/narcissisticabuse. All marked as for “being unmoderated”. If they were actually banning NSFW subs, you’d think they’d say so.
Ai iS ThE fUtURe
Lmao ok sure. Any money says they tried to plug an LLM into AutoMod.
If LLMs were actually intelligent they would have done it to all of reddit
It’s just if/else blocks all the way down
Wonder how this move went for tumble
To be fair I don’t think that many people go to Reddit for porn. With Tumblr it seemed almost exclusive. But it’s still an odd move.
Porn on Reddit used to be good but has been awful since the rise of OnlyFans. Now almost every post on porn subreddits is someone shilling their onlyfans using the same 5 second tease clips across dozens of tenuously related subreddits. If the exodus happens to Lemmy, that is what it will be here.
OF killed good amateur porn is not banned.
it was at the time i wrote that comment (hence the screenshot). Reddit since came out and said there was an error. most of the banned subreddits are now back up
OF killed good amateur porn
As I have seen it pointed out, it’s not just that, although it is a huge part of it. Another, sadly, is that there was so much uncontrolled porn floating around the internet, much of it was pretty fucked up - involuntarily filmed and/or published without consent, not traceable, even with very unclear ages, etc., etc.
So as a secondary effect, that I think is highly positive, most sites also just don’t allow for non-verified content, or at least are much better at removing anything remotely suspicious. That leaves the OF stuff as the main non-studio-produced source, as it allows for easy, professional verifications.
You don’t have to be verified to to post nudes on Reddit
Why does anyone go anywhere?
Same as it went for HDDVD, Laserdisc, and BetaMax.
I welcome all the porn y’all want to post …
Or is it just the typ?