I kinda wish we had one on lemmy that summarized articles since we dont have the userbase of reddit (theres always some dude summarizing the facts without the fluff in the comments) AI is good at summaries.
I kinda wish we had one on lemmy that summarized articles since we dont have the userbase of reddit (theres always some dude summarizing the facts without the fluff in the comments) AI is good at summaries.
Do something that makes your brain tired an hour before needing to sleep, I read the less light stuff and it works, theres always more stuff on the computer, outside of forcing it turn off and the inconvienence of turning it back on idk, most alerts telling me to sleep or stop make me more awake and into what im doing personally lol, a straight up crash or shutdown puts me to sleep, if you have a set sleep time you can always ask ai to make you a .bat file to auto shutoff your pc at that time, or have one that auto shutsoff in x minutes and set x to whatever you feel like that day.
Didn’t you say just make a new account on the other post where I said new accounts get automatically banned?
stremio is like kodi + tv addons, it shows you torrent links, you click them, real debrid downloads them then streams them to you. Its like the netflix of piracy. (once you add the torrent repo and login to realdebrid)
If that wasn’t clear I am torrenting lol
Reddit isnt normal social media, this is literally a clone with less ppl and communities, and less helpful ppl apparently
Looking through your comment history, you definitely do, this was the worst part of reddit, ppl chiming in just to be contrary
Do you get off on not being helpful? Why even respond
no, thats not helpful, all of my posts stay up, deleting the account only harms you since you lose anything you saved, people still get to see your comments, It doesn’t remove how they find out if you make a new one either
Also once permanently banned you cant use any service to overwrite comments (kinda obvious but if you truly want to delete your redddit account/history do it before you get banned or it is impossible)
they get autobanned? I used vpn and brave for fingerprint protection too
mfs dont want me in america either should I find a new home lol
whos they, the community has nothing to do with the mods
I’m probably just watching rushed edits from recordings that happened to get seeded first
Lemmiwinks from southpark was what I thought this site was based off
Braves like the only browser that works for some piracy sites, the rest (with extensions) you get a ton of ads, broken sitesx or get stuck at some link shorteners. Vfx med specifically I tried every browser. For regular browsing I like firefox but annoyingly enough brave handles video a lot better never crashing, youtube is always fast with hella tabs, I’m just used to and stuck with firefox because I have so many tabs/windows open rnow
You’re asssuming they got mothers on this specific flight? I’ve seen nothing about innocents in this flight being posted, are these not straight up criminals on this flight? Can you show me articles I cant find any
Doss peertube support shorts? All of my 3d stuff is vert resolution because tiktok/shorts.
A lot of these actually are criminals why should we have to keep them?
Same, I was subbing to everything, hbo was the last thing I cancelled when they cancelled made for love
I straight up dont like reading most of these articles, its often written in a way that makes you stay on the page longer