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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/theDude1294 on 2025-02-06 21:34:26+00:00.
As the title states, years ago pre-split between March - May (could be wrong on this) GME opened at around $100 & immediately halted. During that halt, the next orders to be filled showed prices of $200K & $480K… yes THOUSAND on the Bloomberg terminal.
During that time, Computershare’s max limit sell order was around $480K & coincidentally after this occurrence, Computershare made changes to their policies of limit orders being placed 3X current price.
I’m asking if any of you who have been here have those screenshots as I can not find any post of this on either GME or Superstonk sub. I promise this actually happened. Any wrinklies or smoothies know of this? I’m shocked as to how this isn’t brought up at all since it happened, almost forgotten.