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The original was posted on /r/factorio by /u/Sethbreloom94 on 2025-02-06 04:58:59+00:00.
Time Taken: 171+ Hours. Yep, I’m a slower player, but I had a lot of fun with this game.
Favorite parts included launching my first platform, as well as my first trip to Fulgora and Vulcanus. The new train schedule system and paramaterized blueprints made things a LOT easier for later expansion, especially for setting up prioritized train stops. I also particularly liked the new combinator options and full-belt reader.
I spent most planets building a self-contained factory- I found Gleba was super hard to get the ball rolling, mostly the first few Biochambers, ore breeding, and the mall. A lot of designs for Gleba bases seem to just make what’s mandatory there and import everything else, but I went and set up everything I needed on site. On that note, I actually never used Green Belts, I mostly stuck with Red for the run.
Combat was a lot different this time around- I still say Personal Laser Defense getting a 66% nerf was too much, but there were some nice options for combat. I did actually set up a base to make Combat Robots since they were so much better. I even got around to using Landmines (which I always thought were too much hassle with risking Construction Robots) on Gleba. Really the only options for combat that I find useless are the Slowdown Capsules and maybe Piercing Shotgun Shells (never used the latter).
Designing Space Platform factories was fun, though managing outputs and backups for Advanced Asteroid Processing combined with Asteroid Reprocessing took a lot of work from the combinators. I do also wish we could place more than one Landing Pad, I never really got to use the Foundries outside of Vulcanus since my one Landing Pad on Nauvis was boxed in by Cargo Bays and Science unloaders so I never got around to incorporating Calcite. (I can’t wait to try the Maraxus mod that lets you research additional landing pads)
So, yeah, overall a good run. Made a lot of mistakes, but also had a lot of fun. I’ll have to jump back in someday and give some mods a try!