Tens of thousands of tons of food purchased through a federal program to feed hungry people overseas is stuck at a warehouse in Houston’s port after President Donald Trump ordered a 90-day pause on foreign aid, according to an email from an international food agency and an employee with the U.S. Agency for International Development.
The pause comes as the Trump administration moves to dismantle USAID, one of the world’s largest government aid organizations. The organization spends hundreds of millions of dollars each year through its Food for Peace program to distribute surplus crops from American farmers around the globe, according to the Congressional Research Service.
Will the food go to hungry Americans, or will it sit there and rot?
My bet is it rots, or rots and is then fed to Americans.
That’s not the American way.
It’s dumped before it goes bad. Then they have someone guard the dumping site to make sure it is all wasted.
They’ll let it rot, and then they’ll give it to one of their private prisons or holding facilities to feed to their prisoners and save money under the guise of “eliminating waste.”
Beware of the “Made in America” sticker. It might be from a
concentration camplocal vendor.Sit and rot, then become a costly cleanup problem,
Obviously the democrats fault. Fucking Bill Clinton.
Slick Willy doesn’t pay for sex.