The recreation use from them is not worth the inevitable shootings. As the safety of the many come before the pleasure of the few. Not to mention the lead exposure on the environment from the bullet casings left on the ground and all the noise that’s caused from all the firing disrupting the wildlife.

If you want to play with guns like toys go take a vacation down south.

The only people who should have access to guns are the military, special forces and hunters in remote areas without any food alternatives.

    28 days ago

    did you get chatgpt to write this? among other claims, you’re wrong that “the vast majority of gun crimes involve illegally obtained firearms, often smuggled in from the US”. in 2022 which was the last time statcan published data, the gun was legally owned in more than half of all cases, and the gun was illegally owned and of American origin in about 5 percent.

      28 days ago

      I’m not wrong. I’ll link the data you talked about for others to read here:

      Look at the definition of violent crime used by stats can and how long they take to explain why simply having one near you or on you regardless of its use counted. Statistics Canada is clear they state the reason for more gun crime is increases in crime in general. Look farther down the page to the figure nothing the breakdown of weapons used. Guns are actually going down with other forms taking it’s place. Please thoroughly read the report. I think you’ll find I’m correct