Home wins as predicted last week, but Wales laying down sadly vs a rampant France. Scotland were given a scare by Italy, and Ireland didn’t look invulnerable against a determined England. I love the six nations.
This weekend we see the battle for the spoon with Italy hosting Wales. Then Le Crunch with England hosting France and a crowd desparate for something to celebrate. Finally we see Scotland host Ireland who are on a ten game win streak vs the Scots currently. Loads on narrative, loads on the line, loads of rugby!
1515 CET Italy vs Wales
1645 GMT England vs France
1500 Scotland vs Ireland
As always, reactions, reviews and predictions always welcomed
Italy-Wales 22-17 France-England 30-15 Ireland-Scotland 25-17
I was 2 points off the final score of Italy-Wales 22-15. Hope I’m more wrong about the others!
Very little optimism from any Scots this year still. But they are post sexton, and England are not great. I’m predicting a close win for us
Andiamo Azzurri!
Oops, you wrote England-Wales in the post!
Also, as a lurker this is my chance to use the comment and say I love your threads. Thanks for making them and helping lil dilettantes like me enjoy and follow the 6 nations without reading the full press coverage, this is exactly the level of information I’m looking for!
Merci beaucoup et enchanté. The press can be a bit rabid at times due to the pressure to fill column inches this time of year - when Rugby gets the limelight - meaning they often stick their foot in their mouth and make mountains out of molehills. But it does mean that this time of year the office talk is highest, the pubs are busier, the hotels and stadia are packed. And all of that means friendships, rivalry, and the six nations unites us all in our quest to beat England. Enjoy the tournament
Wales at least got a try and looked better towards the end
Fucking hell England deserved that. I live the six nations
Are you kidding ? Should have been 50-7 at the end of 1st period.
I’m Welsh (and out of hope for them), but that was so well deserved for England against a well organised France team. Great to see Du Pont back, that man has magic hands and feet but he doesn’t make a team.
Was going to say this was more like Le Snooze after the first quarter but it’s come alive a bit after that. Wet ball seems to be causing chaos. Surreal seeing DuPont miss passes.
England are being dogged for sure. They can’t last is my assessment
Is there anything more Scotland than our two best players KO’ing each other while defending an inevitable try?
Potentially both out for the Twickenham match :(
Apparently Russell passed his HIA but they didn’t want to send him back on just in case